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Summer’s here! And what better way to enjoy the season that go on a road trip, right? One of our most favorite bonding moments is traveling together. In fact, our first date was a summer road trip going to Aurora Baler with Payat’s officemates. Going on a road trip is always fun but it will be more enjoyable if you got the perfect car.
Here are some lessons we learned to help to help you find the perfect car your you next summer road trip:
- Number of travelers. First things first. Do a head count. How many people are joining the trip? You wouldn’t want to sit elbow to elbow with your buddies for hours. Will there be kids and furbabies joining the trip? If yes, child-friendly and pet-friendly cars are a must.
- Destination and Activities. How far will you travel? Durability should be on top of your checklist. You should need a car that can tolerate the rough roads for long of period of time depending on your destination. You need to consider the activities you’ll be doing. If you’re going on trekking or at the beach, vehicles with roof rack will be beneficial for additional storage of items.
- Gas Mileage. Fuel efficiency is important. The average vehicle gets about 25 miles per gallon. Use this as a baseline when evaluating the perfect summer road trip vehicle. To help you evaluate, cars.com had prepared a summary on the best and worst gas mileage for 2018.
Aside from these three things, don’t forget your safety and comfort plus keep in mind your budget so you won’t overspend.
If you’re looking for help choosing your summer road trip vehicle, check out cars.com which contains millions of new and used vehicle listings, a comprehensive set of pricing and research tools, and the largest database of consumer reviews in the industry.